Friday 17 December 2010

Party, party, party

Last Sunday we held our annual Christmas party. Like last year, I roasted a turkey and prepared a few other things and all our guests brought something to add to the table. People came and went all afternoon but we always had a full house and I think about 30 people came altogether.

As always, H was chief turkey-carver, carefully monitored by K and Holly:

H worked hard throughout the party, clearing up as we went along and helping Emerson with his pasta...

Here, for example, you can see him 'clearing up' the pavlova!

K had a great time, playing to the crowd as always. He's quite the little socialite. I think he really enjoyed himself all afternoon, whether he was reading Bob the Builder books with Chan...

...pulling crackers with Pamela and Shuko...

...or just wandering about looking cute :-)

I just had to include this photo of Lisa apparently reading 'Maisy Big, Maisy Small' to Cally too, especially as I just noticed Cally is playing with a toy helicopter at the same time...

I really enjoyed the day; lots of lovely food and great company, including some people who I hadn't met before. Thanks for coming everyone!

And of course, that's not the only party of the season. The previous weekend I met up with some other 'foreign wives' for a little potluck party, and tomorrow afternoon all 3 of us will be going to K's pre-school Christmas party. This evening H has his work end-of-year party, staying overnight at a hot spring about an hour away from here. Tonight was also the night of the English School Christmas party. At first I thought I'd have to miss it since there was no-one to take care of K, but then I decided to take him along. We had a quiet afternoon so that he'd be able to stay up later than usual, and went along right at the start of the party at 8.00. How uncool. There were a lot of people there but K wasn't fazed at all. He seemed to have a great time, didn't seem overly tired, agreed at 10.30 that it was time to go home and was asleep withing 5 minutes of setting off in the car...

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